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Most of the termbases offered below are derived from isolated student projects that were not part of the major projects described elsewhere on this site. Download and use are free of charge but please mention your source if you decide to pass on the material to others. Disclaimer: the original authors and the CvT cannot be held responsible for errors or other shortcomings.
The material is available in a number of formats:
Intaglio Printmaking - Diepdruktechnieken
Source: Lic thesis by Jasmien Roelens, 2007.
Topic and languages: intaglio printmaking; English and Dutch.
Number of concepts: just over 100, fifteen of which are discussed in more detail using GenTerm records.
Comments: the (valuable) illustrations have been left out for copyright reasons.
Multiterm version
TBX version (does not include the bibliography)
PDF version
Solar panels - Zonnepanelen
Source: Lic thesis by Gregory Depuydt, 2010.
Topic and languages: solar panels; English and Dutch.
Number of concepts: 14, using detailed GenTerm records.
Comments: This was a pilot project exploring the feasibility of a larger project on solar energy.
Multiterm version
TBX version
PDF version
Interpreter's Glossary - Medical
Source: Master's diss. by Mercedes D'Hoker, 2014.
Topic and languages: medical (diseases, symptoms); English and Dutch.
Number of concepts: 25
Comments: The purpose of this project was to speculate what terminological information an interpreter needed when interpreting an English-speaking doctor's interview with a Dutch-speaking child and his/her parents.
The concepts were first analysed in slightly abridged GenTerm records. Afterwards, a Word-table was compiled with information deemed relevant in an interpreting context. The ibex-version below is inspired by that Word table.
Multiterm version (GenTerm records)
TBX version (GenTerm records)
PDF version (GenTerm records)
ibex-version (selected information for use in Interpretbank; make the 'NotePad' field visible when using - this field was called 'blocnote' in older versions)
Screenshot of Interpretbank interface
ATC & em(e)a - Pharmaceutical
Source: ATC names of substances as available on the BCFI site supplemented with a terminology selection extracted from the em(e)a corpus
as available on the opus-site.
Topic and languages: pharmaceutical (names of substances; and key terminology as used by the European Medicines Agency); English and Dutch.
Number of concepts: 2,310 entries, viz. 2,023 from the ATC and 287 from the European Medicines Agency corpus.
Comments: Term extraction and compilation by CvT, originally in the context of a master subject on pharmaceutical translation at UGent.
Multiterm version
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) - Levenscyclusanalyse
Source: Master's diss. by Rianne van Eldik, Universiteit Utrecht, 2019.
Topic and languages: terminology of Life Cycle Assessment as applied to waste management; English and Dutch.
Number of concepts: 184
Comments: Conversion of a Memsource termbase presented as an annex to the Master's dissertation. The dissertation was part of the Termraad Academy project, for which see the IATE-CvT page.
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a trending topic in the context of discussions on a Circular Economy.
Multiterm version
TBX version
PDF version
IATE's COVID terminology
Source: IATE's original list of terms related to COVID and SARS, as also made available on; and an English-Dutch export of the same data. Current update: 5 May 2021.
Topic and languages: COVID-19-related terminology. A first excel file lists English terms as the source, and live links to the corresponding multilingual IATE entries as the target. A second excel file
is an English and Dutch list with those items that already had Dutch equivalents at the time of processing. The Multiterm file is a conversion of the latter.
Number of concepts: Excel file with English terms: 1821 terms, including LookUp Forms and obsolete terms. EN-NL files (Excel and Multiterm): 466 entries (i.e. only those entries that also contained Dutch at the time of processing).
Comments: Caution: the EN-NL files mention all the available synonyms even when they are deprecated/obsolete terms or LookUp Forms.
When using the Multiterm file in Trados Studio, use in conjunction with the IATE Terminology Provider / IATE Real-time Terminology app to establish the preferred term when in doubt.
English terms with IATE links (Excel)
EN-NL termbase in Excel
EN-NL termbase in Multiterm. (Zipped)
AI terminology in 8 languages
Source: The term collection "50 termes clés de l'IA", a project initiated by the Délégation générale à la langue française et aux langues de France (DGLFLF) and in which CvT
has cooperated by supplying the Dutch equivalents.
Topic and languages: Key terms from the domain of Artifical Intelligence, in French, English, Arabic, Catalan, Spanish, Basque, Italian and Dutch. Definitions and notes in French.
Number of concepts: 50
Comments: Paper and PDF versions published in 2025 by FranceTerme. Multiterm conversion by CvT (also 2025).
Multiterm version (unzip before use)
PDF version available via FranceTerme's publication page